July 13th, 2009

Hello world!! 

So today has been a pretty eventful and busy day for me!! It started with the ring of my alarm clock at 7 am. From there my mom and i headed to the airport and i boarded a 9:25 flight to D.C. It was a relaxing to me because i slept for the entire flight. I woke up to the rough landing and realized we were in DC. I was a little scared to get off the plane because im not used to navigating through an airport without the assistance of my mom. However when i got off the plane i saw a boy that looked my age and he and i were wearing the same shirt so i knew he had to be in the same program as me. We both waited anxiously at baggage claim then met up with the rest of the WJMC crew. We all got to know each other and headed over to GMU and met up with more kids that were doing the program. Throughout the remainder of the day we listened to a speech given by Brian Lamb. Afterwards we had a small recap of the day with out group and group leader (mr.Smith) and then departed our ways for the night!! one day down and 5 more to go, and hopefully these days will be just as good as today


Hello world!

July 12th, 2009

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!